What You Should Expect After Undergoing a Hysterectomy?

Hysterectomy was earlier done as an open surgery via the abdominal wall. Today, there are multiple methods of conducting the hysterectomy procedure. Though the traditional abdominal hysterectomy surgery is still in practice in various clinics, various new methods of conducting hysterectomy surgery are done via the vagina with the help of robotic and laparoscopic techniques. This helps to minimise the side effects of the surgery on the surrounding tissues. 

However, every type of hysterectomy surgery has its positives and negatives. Let us check out the types of hysterectomy surgeries and the best suited period pain treatment for the surgery.

Type Of Hysterectomy 

The different types of hysterectomy surgery include: 

  • Total hysterectomy: performed to remove the whole of the uterus and the cervix. 
  • Partial hysterectomy: performed to remove the uterus without removing the cervix.
  • Radical hysterectomy: performed to remove the uterus, cervix and top part of the vagina and a few tissues that surround the uterus. 
  • In a few hysterectomy surgeries, the fallopian tubes and ovaries might also be removed. 

Therefore, the kind of hysterectomy surgery can be determined as per the specific condition and medical history of the patient.

Recovery From Hysterectomy Surgery

Vaginal hysterectomy surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, which has very little impact on the surrounding tissues. This procedure does not require any kind of abdominal incisions and the uterus gets removed via the vagina. 

Vaginal hysterectomy is a swift surgery and doesn’t require a prolonged stay in the hospital. The patient can return to their normal routine much quicker. The private gynaecologist in London recommends vaginal hysterectomy surgery when possible. 

Laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery may be the most preferred alternative to vaginal hysterectomy, where the latter cannot be performed. If a patient is suffering from endometriosis, then the private gynaecologists suggest laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. This option allows comprehensive examination and evaluation of the abdominal cavity. This surgery helps the surgeon to pinpoint the right endometrial tissues and ensure their effective removal. Laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery is mostly used in cases of pelvic adhesions or extensive endometriosis.

The assistance of robotics in this surgery helps to further extend the scope of laparoscopic surgery. In this surgery, a robotic tube and arms are used to perform the intricate movements necessary for a successful surgery.

When compared to vaginal hysterectomy, robotic laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery provides a quicker recovery timeline. This is more effective than the traditional abdominal hysterectomy. The traditional method of hysterectomy is called ‘open surgery’ and is mainly done via an incision in the lower abdomen. 

Abdominal surgery may be used when patient complications prevent the use of other minimally invasive surgical procedures. 

If you want to find the top clinic for period pain treatment, you must visit Well Women Clinic today.

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