Top 10 Solutions For Stopping Periods Pain

Most women in the reproductive age group experience heavy pain during their periods. But they are not sure about the right remedies or treatment for heavy painful periods. And these painful periods end up causing extreme discomfort and pain, almost affecting the daily routine of women.

Let us check out the ten most effective period pain treatment solutions, as suggested by top gynaecologists in London, to stop or prevent cramping during heavy painful periods.

Drink water:
Bloating during your periods causes more discomfort and worsens your menstrual cramps. Drinking more water will help you reduce any bloating you experience during your menses, which will alleviate the pain and the cramps. Also, drinking warm or hot water during the periods increases the flow of blood throughout the body. Doing so relaxes your muscles, which lessens the cramps created due to uterine contractions.

Have herbal tea:
Herbal tea has antispasmodic compounds and anti-inflammatory properties, which can decrease the muscle tightness and spasms within the uterus that causes cramps. Drinking ginger, fennel or chamomile tea is a natural and easy way to find relief from the menstrual cramps. Moreover, herbal tea has other health benefits, such as it provides relief from stress and helps fight insomnia.

Skip the sweet stuff:
While French fries and brownie may sound delicious, consuming foods high in fats, sugar and salt causes stomach inflammation and bloating. These conditions worsen the muscles cramps, which increase the pain during periods. Eat a banana or other sweet fruits to fight your sugar cravings. Eat unsalted nuts to suffice your cravings for savoury foods.

Eat a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods:
There are some foods that provide natural relief from menstrual cramps. Plus, they are great in taste. Diet rich in anti-inflammatory properties promotes proper blood flow in the entire body and relaxes the uterus. Eat foods, such as tomatoes, berries, pineapples, and certain spices such as garlic, ginger, and turmeric. Green leafy vegetables, walnuts, almonds, and certain fatty fish, such as salmon, also have anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate period pain.

Don’t drink caffeine:
Caffeine narrows the blood vessels in the body. Drinking caffeine could constrict the uterus, which could make the menstrual cramps even more painful. So, stay away from caffeine, or at least cut down your caffeine intake during the days leading up to your period. If you cannot live without coffee, then at least shift to some other healthier alternatives, such as green tea, during your periods. This way, you could reduce your pain due to cramping.

Apply heat:
Applying heat is a wonderful method of getting some instant relief from the period pains. Applying heat on the lower abdomen region — just below the navel region — relaxes the muscles and improves the blood flow in the pelvic and uterine region. It helps relieve tension within the muscles and hence, the resultant pain. So, apply a heating pad, relax in a hot bath or take a hot shower.

Take supplements:
Intake of vitamin D helps the body absorb more calcium into the body and reduces inflammation during heavy, painful periods. Different supplements which you can take include vitamin E, omega 3, and magnesium for their anti-inflammatory properties and alleviate period pain. It is highly recommended that you take these supplements daily, and not just at the time of periods.

With cramps and pain, exercise may be the last thing you’d ever want to do. But even light exercises help release the feel-good hormones called endorphins, which lightens your mood, relaxes the muscles and reduces period pain. A few minutes of yoga, walking, or light stretching can make you feel better.

Get a massage therapy:
Recent research has concluded that the therapeutic nature of massage can greatly reduce menstrual pain among women suffering from endometriosis. Massages can relax your muscles and decrease uterine spasms. To effectively manage the pain during periods, massage therapy must focus on your abdominal region. A full-body massage helps reduce stress, which also relieves menstrual cramps and pain.

Keep stress at bay:
Stress is the most important piece of the puzzle. Our modern lifestyle has plunged us into a world of stress and strain. We live under constant stress and pressure — be it in our professional life or our personal life. Stress and anxiety greatly affect our periods, often making them worse. Therefore, you must employ different stress-relieving techniques to lessen pain and cramping. Apply techniques, such as yoga, deep breathing and meditation, and you will find considerable relief from the stress and the resultant pain and cramping. Try meditation or visualisation activities to relieve your stress levels.

These are some of the effective natural period pain treatment solutions that you can apply at home. If you are searching for an expert private gynaecologist in London to seek treatment for heavy, painful periods, then you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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