Period Pain: Detailed Information About Its Causes And Treatment

Different reasons cause period pain and heavy, painful periods. Sometimes, period pain can be treated through normal lifestyle changes. Other times, you may need to consult a private gynaecologist for better treatment for heavy, painful periods.

In most cases, it is better to know and understand the condition to seek better period pain treatment.So let us check out the different causes of period pain and their treatment options.

Causes of period pain

  • Uterine cramps

Uterine cramps are commonly termed as muscle cramps. However, here, they happen for a particular purpose.

The uterus consists of smooth muscles called the myometrium, which forms the thick wall of the uterus. These muscles are quite powerful, and consist of three layers spread in different directions, viz., vertical, horizontal and diagonal. Muscle spasms perform the important function of regeneration. They regularly shake off the older endometrial tissues, which form the inner lining of the uterus wall, swiftly during your menstruation. These muscles spam also help push out the baby during childbirth. These muscle spasms are more commonly called uterine contractions.

In general, cramping is defined as a sudden sharp or intense pain, which lasts for some seconds or even a few minutes, but no more than ten minutes. This pain is intermittent that comes and goes like a wave. Cramping and pain could begin a few days before the periods, though it is particularly on the first and second days of bleeding. Technically, the removal of the endometrial cells by the uterus causes the cramps during the periods. This removal process releases the hormone prostaglandins because of which the uterus contracts, leading to great spasms.

  • Connected period pain

Associated or connected period pain is variable in its experience and origin. The most common forms of connected period pain include the aching vulva, abdominal heaviness, or low back pain. The pain, however, is constant and is somewhat similar to the toothache, albeit a different location altogether. This pain always results in frowning. This kind of pain that lasts long is usually experienced at the time of periods, but not before the beginning of the bleeding. This type of pain is generally caused by a variety of period changes, including water retention, spine/muscle inflammation, diarrhoea, trapped gas or constipation.

  • Endometriosis

Pain-related to endometriosis has an entirely different origin in comparison to the normal cramps and the connected period pain. Endometriosis is defined as a condition, wherein the endometrial tissues, which line the inner wall of the uterus, start to grow on the outside of the uterus. Gradually, these tissues expand up till the fallopian tubes and the ovary. In extremely rare cases, they grow into the other regions, such as the brain or the lungs.

These tissues cause extreme pain and excessive bleeding during menstruation. Women may experience severe cramping and a stabbing like pain in their lower abdomen region during their periods. Sometimes, this pain does become chronic in nature, followed by heavy bleeding. If you experience intense cramping and pain during periods, then you should consult your private gynaecologist.

  • Fibroids

Pain due to fibroids has a distinct origin in comparison to the normal pain during periods. However, it may still feel similar to the severe cramps during periods. Fibroids are defined as abnormal growths which develop on the outer wall of the uterus. It is common for women to experience fibroids. Many women don’t know about their existence as these fibroids do not show any symptoms. When they grow larger in size and form like a benign tumour, they push against the organs and tissues which surround them. This condition causes pain and inflammation.

Pain due to fibroids is worse during the periods. It causes heavy bleeding as well as severe cramps. Sometimes pain could be less intense but would be consistent throughout the menstrual cycle. This pain could cause sensations of bloating, heaviness or abdominal discomfort that last for days.

Treatment for period pain

  • Mild to moderate pain is considered normal during the periods, but still, you can find period pain treatment options to treat your heavy, painful periods.

  • Most of the problems during your menstrual cycle happen due to an unhealthy lifestyle, and they can be relatively solved by making simple changes to your lifestyle. By eating a healthy diet, doing regular exercise and getting adequate sleep can help relieve some of the severe symptoms of heavy, painful periods.

  • You can decrease severe cramping by making healthy lifestyle changes. If required, you could also use anti-inflammatory painkillers. The best time to use them is two or more days before the expected period date.

  • The severe pain caused due to fibroids or endometriosis could also be alleviated to some extent with the help of painkillers and by making healthy lifestyle changes. However, if you experience severe pain and cramping, then you should consult the gynaecologist and seek treatment for heavy, painful periods. If you prolong the treatment, the condition will only get worse with time, leading to far greater complications.

These are the common causes of heavy, painful periods. Sometimes, the endometriosis or fibroids grow into benign tumours and may need a laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery to remove the tumour from the body. Therefore, never ignore severe period pain or heavy, painful periods and consult your gynaecologist immediately.

If you want more details about laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery, then you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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