FAQ’s - Frequently Asked Questions to Your Private Gynaecologist in London
What specialist services do we offer?
At Well Women Clinic, we provide general gynaecological services as well core expertise in key-hole surgery, treatment of early cancer and early pregnancy. We treat the following conditions:
Uterine fibroids (key-hole and open surgery)
Heavy periods, abnormal uterine bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding
Pelvic pain
Endometriosis (key-hole surgery)
Uterovaginal prolapse
Ovarian cysts (key-hole surgery)
Early pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, blighted ovum or ectopic pregnancy
Recurrent miscarriage
Specialist ultrasound scanning
Where would I be admitted if I needed a procedure?
Well Women Clinic will help you choose which hospital is appropriate based on the planned surgical procedure and having regard to what is in your best interest.
How do you work with self pay patients?
We are aware that many patients are self funding, If you have any questions pertaining to cost please contact the practice secretary.