Women s Health Checkups Are Required To Make Them Stronger

A woman should take a complete health screening once every year by doing so certain health diseases could be ruled out via specific tests, detected diseases can be cured at the early stage. It is generally observed that, while a woman pursues multiple roles in her family and society, her own health is often overlooked. So, remember and make sure to maintain the quality of your life and be well rather than getting into the phase of illness and seeking treatment when it is already too late. Just a reminder to all the strong ladies out there, get in touch with your private gynaecologist in London. This professional can help you to safeguard your soldiers that are within.

What health screenings should a woman consider getting for a healthy lifestyle? 

  • Blood Pressure Test

If your blood pressure is below 120/80 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg), which is the ideal reading, you should have it checked every two years at a minimum, starting at age 20. For adults ages 40 or older or for those with conditions like obesity that put them at increased risk, the Well Woman Health Check-Up recommends an annual screening required for women to be stronger than they already are.

  • Cholesterol Check

There is a tool used to assess your risk of developing heart disease or stroke. If you’re age 20 or older, you should have your cholesterol measured at least once every five years. Your total cholesterol levels should ideally be less than 200 milligrams or at borderline, the high reading is between 200 and 239 mg/dl. If you are at risk for heart disease or stroke, make a plan with your doctor via Well Woman Check-Up in London to know how often you should have this test done.

  • Pap Smear and Pelvic Exams

Beginning at age 21 and until age 65, you should have a Pap smear every three years. In the Pap smear, your doctor uses a speculum to widen the vaginal canal, takes cells from the cervix with a small brush, and examines those cells for changes that may lead to cervical cancer. If you’re 30 or older, you can have the test every five years. This kind of screening is significant in order to rule out any complexity in the reproductive system. Get in touch with a private gynaecologist London for better results and accurate guidance.

  • Mammogram and Breast Exams

A mammogram, which screens for breast cancer, involves compressing the breast between plates so that X-ray images can be captured. There has long been discussion about when and how often a woman should have them, given that the risk for breast cancer increases as you age, and the false positives from frequent screening might do more harm than good. Every woman should have a mammogram every two years. Women should start annual screenings at age 45. If you have a family history of the disease or other concerns, talk to a private gynaecologist from Well Woman Health Check-Up London to know full details about starting annual screening earlier.

  • Blood Sugar Check

Starting around age 45, women must get a blood glucose test every three years to check for diabetes or prediabetes. The range for normal tests can vary, but a fasting plasma glucose test reading of 100 mg/dl or higher indicates that you may be prediabetic, while a reading greater than 126 mg/dl indicates diabetes. Get your blood sugar tests from the Well Woman Health Check-Up centre. We also help to record history and set a track.

  • Cardiac Health Check-up

With rising occurrences of heart disease among youngsters, it is significant to acquire cardiac health checks once or twice each year, particularly for women. An overall chest check-up can help assist with defective spots and avert the risk factors in the time being. 

Keeping in touch with your private gynaecologist in London is very important as it gives you the opportunity to discuss the problems you face and treat them early. To get a better experience, visit the Well Woman Clinic today and consult your issues with our experts. 

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