What Is Chronic Pelvic Pain, Symptoms And Causes?

The pelvic region

The lower portion of the abdomen is called the pelvis or the pelvic region. This region consists of a variety of organs, such as the bladder, female and male rectum. Additionally, in females, this region houses their reproductive organs like ovaries, uterus, and the fallopian tube, whereas, in males, this region houses the testes, prostate gland, ejaculatory ducts and seminal vesicles.

What causes chronic pelvic pain?

Both men and women suffer from chronic pelvic pain and seek pelvic pain treatment. However, the reasons for the pain could be different. Chronic pelvic pain is more commonly experienced in women than in men. Pelvic pain could be caused due to several reasons. In some individuals, chronic pelvic pain could be a symptom or sign of multiple underlying conditions that affect the organs of the pelvic region. These conditions include:

  • Endometriosis: This condition affects the uterus tissues causing pain in the pelvic region.

  • Uterine fibroids: This condition results in abnormal growth around the uterus wall, causing pain in the pelvic region

  • Scar tissue: The presence of scar tissues post-surgery or any kind of blood clot in the internal organs around the pelvic region, which has not been cleared at the time of surgery.

  • Endometrial polyps: This condition is determined when a mass gets formed on the outer wall of the uterus, causing intense pelvic pain.

  • Cancer in the reproductive tract: Men, as well as women, could experience pelvic pain if they have cancer in their reproductive tract.

A variety of additional conditions affecting the nervous, urinary or digestive system also contribute to chronic pelvic pain and require effective pelvic pain treatment. These conditions include:

  • Hernia

  • Bladder disorder

  • Appendicitis

  • Nerve conditions

  • Intestinal disorders

  • Sexually transmitted diseases

  • Broken pelvis

  • Pelvis disorder

  • Psychogenic pain

  • Kidney stones or kidney infection

Types of chronic pelvic pain

Every pain could experience variable degrees of pain in their pelvic region. These variable degrees of pain can be divided into various types depending on their cause and origin. More often, this pain could be attributed to one of the many underlying causes, which needs a proper diagnosis to seek the right treatment.

The different kinds of chronic pain are as follows:

  • Localised pain: The origin of the pelvic pain could be pinpointed to a particular region or an organ. This kind of pain is mostly caused due to Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS).

  • Cramping: This kind of pain could be caused due to uterine fibroids, a tumour or endometriosis.

  • Sudden onset of pain: This kind of pain could be experienced due to the presence of an ovarian cyst.

  • Slow pain: The chronic pelvic pain that develops slowly is caused by pelvic inflammatory disease.

The risk factors that lead to chronic pelvic pain

The different factors that contribute to chronic pelvic pain include:

  • History of sexual or physical abuse

  • A miscarriage

  • Menstrual flow that lasts for a longer duration

  • Infertility

  • Depression, anxiety or different psychosomatic symptoms

  • Surgical or radiation treatment of the pelvis or the abdomen

Diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain

In order to diagnose the root cause of chronic pelvic pain and to provide proper painful sex treatment, the gynaecologist would suggest different diagnostic tests. The types of diagnostics tests recommended by the gynaecologist include:

  • Blood test: Blood samples of the patient are tested to identify the vital parameters like platelet count and C-reactive protein, white blood cells, erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

  • Urinalysis: The urine sample of the patient is examined to determine the urine abnormalities.

  • Colposcopy: The gynaecologist would suggest this test to examine your cervix region for structural abnormalities and abnormal masses.

  • Culture of cells from the cervix: The cervical cells of the patient are collected and subjected to culture tests to identify any infection.

  • Vulvoscopy: This test involves the examination of the skin around the anus and vagina.

  • Pelvic ultrasound: The ultrasound test of the pelvic region is conducted to view the structures and organs inside the pelvis region. It is a non-invasive procedure which uses sound waves to capture a clear image of the internal organs.

  • Pelvic Laparoscopy: This test is essentially a surgical process which involves the creation of a small cut or incision below the navel. A tiny tube instrument called the laparoscope is then inserted through the cut to inspect the pelvic region and to take the tissue samples.

  • Pelvic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The MRI scan uses magnetic fields and powerful radio waves to create detailed images of your organs present in the pelvic region. For this examination, a dye is injected into your veins which would help get clear images.

These are the details which you should know about chronic pelvic pain. If you experience any of the different types of pelvic pain mentioned above, then you must meet the doctor at the earliest. If you want more information about painful sex treatment in London and treatment for pelvic pain in London, then you must visit Well Women Clinic today.

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