What Is An Early Pregnancy Scan? How IS IT Performed by A Gynaecologist?

So, you have been feeling different recently. You have noticed physical changes and have missed your periods, which is a huge sign that something has changed within you. With some hesitation, you have brought back a pregnancy kit and took the test. And then you wait for the result.

If you have been displaying all the classic signs of pregnancy, it is time that you book yourself an early pregnancy scan. Pregnancy kits do not often work, so you need confirmation that you are bringing a new life to the planet!

If you have experienced pregnancy for the first time, nothing can compare to the joy of watching your little one on the screen as they develop for life on earth. This must be performed as early as possible and frequently as well, which is how you will know how the foetus is developing.

What is an early pregnancy scan?

An early pregnancy scan confirms your pregnancy, establishes an estimated delivery date and prepares you for your pregnancy. It ensures the foetus is developing typically, which rules out early miscarriage. Not every woman experiences bleeding and pain, and they often develop ectopic pregnancy (or a pregnancy outside the womb) – which must be handled accordingly.

Why is early pregnancy scans important?

In most cases, early pregnancy scans are performed to confirm a pregnancy’s viability, the presence of a heartbeat, multiple or singleton pregnancies, gestation period, the possibility of ectopic pregnancy and existence of internal bleeding. In case of vaginal bleeding, pain or history of previous miscarriages, ultrasound experts monitor the progress to retain the foetus throughout the pregnancy.

It gives you crucial information about your pregnancy to predict, monitor and prevent potential complications during the gestational period. If you have been looking forward to getting pregnant despite health complications, the first pregnancy scan is a great way to bond with your foetus. Once the baby is born, you can focus on being a good parent to them.

When you have an early pregnancy scan performed, you can know more about the number of pregnancies and foetus development. It also connects you to the audible heartbeat of the foetus and helps the gynaecologist gain insights that would prevent future complications.

When can a pregnancy test be performed?

Most early pregnancy scans in London are booked around the sixth week of your pregnancy, where the baby’s size has grown, their ears and eyes have started developing, and their heartbeat is at 100-160 times per minute. You could have the early symptoms of pregnancy such as frequent urination, mood swings and morning sickness.

A private gynaecologist in London recommends that these tests be done between the seventh and twelfth weeks to confirm a healthy pregnancy, especially if you are experiencing bleeding and lower abdominal pain. Women who have ectopic pregnancies must attend the pregnancy scan one or two weeks after they missed to check their foetus’ location. Healthy women who have previously had a miscarriage must attend their pregnancy scan three weeks after their missed period when the heartbeat and embryo are seen.

How do you prepare for early pregnancy?

You must have a full bladder when you attend your early pregnancy scan, but not be uncomfortable. An early pregnancy ultrasound is performed in the doctor’s clinic, where the sonographer uses a transducer probe to the lower belly. They apply a layer of medicated gel to the skin and slide the device on your abdomen, which sends sound waves to the womb to confirm your pregnancy.

If you have a transvaginal procedure done, the probe will be covered with sterile packaging and inserted into your vagina using gel. Thus, the sonographer visualises the gestational sac, foetus, uterus and cervix. You will get dependable and more precise images as a painless alternative to abdominal scans.

A 4D ultrasound creates a moving image of the foetus, which highlights their face, highlights, shadows and equipment. Fetal echocardiography is performed if the gynaecologist suspects that the foetus has congenital heart defects, which is performed similarly to traditional ultrasound. It captures the fetus’ heart’s shape, structure and size – and how it is functioning.

Now that you know what to do when it comes to going for an early pregnancy scan, you must strictly follow the procedure. If you are looking for an early pregnancy scan in London, contact us at Well Women Clinic.

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