Understanding the Causes of Fibroids

Learn the causes of uterine fibroids and explore effective treatment options through this blog. 


Imagine dealing with constant heavy periods, daily pelvic pain, and worries about being able to have children. For many women, this is the reality of living with uterine fibroids. These growths, also called leiomyomas or myomas, are non-cancerous and form in the uterus muscle. They can be different in size, number, and location. 

Fibroids are usually harmless but can cause discomfort, heavy periods, and fertility problems. This blog explores the causes of fibroids and provides insights into the best treatment for fibroids.


Causes of Fibroids  

 The causes of fibroids involve genetics, hormones, environment, and lifestyle factors. Below are some of the primary causes of fibroids. 

  • Genetic Factors  

Genetic predisposition is one of the primary factors contributing to the development of fibroids. Studies have shown that fibroids tend to run in families, suggesting a hereditary component. The risk of developing fibroids is higher if your mother or sister has had fibroids. Certain changes in the genes and chromosomes of uterus muscle cells can cause fibroids to form. These genetic changes often impact genes that control how cells grow and die, causing cells to grow uncontrollably and form fibroids. 

  • Hormonal Influence  

Estrogen and progesterone are very important hormones in the development and growth of fibroids. These hormones control the menstrual cycle and can cause fibroids to grow. Fibroids are more sensitive to hormone changes because they have more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine cells. They tend to grow during reproductive years when hormone levels are high and shrink after menopause when hormone levels decline. Hormonal imbalances from conditions like PCOS can raise the risk of developing fibroids. 

  • Environmental and Lifestyle Factors  

Environmental and lifestyle factors can influence the risk of developing fibroids. Diet, for instance, plays a notable role. Eating a lot of red meat and not much green vegetables, fruit, or dairy may raise the risk of fibroids. Being overweight can increase the risk of fibroids because excess fat can raise estrogen levels, which may cause fibroids to grow. High blood pressure and low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of fibroids. 

  • Other Influencing Factors 

Besides genetics, hormones, and lifestyle, other factors can also influence the growth of fibroids. These factors include reproductive and menstrual history, inflammation, and specific growth factors. The factors are as detailed below:  

  1. Reproductive and Menstrual Factors  

Reproductive and menstrual history can influence the likelihood of developing fibroids. Women who have never given birth are at a higher risk of developing fibroids compared to those who have had children. Early menstruation before age 10 and having many periods over one’s life can increase risk factors. Additionally, the use of certain types of hormonal contraceptives can affect fibroid growth. Some studies indicate that taking birth control pills might lower the risk of developing fibroids. However, different types of hormonal birth control could have different impacts. 

2. Role of Inflammation and Growth Factors  

Inflammation and growth factors are also implicated in the development of fibroids. Long-term swelling in the uterus can create conditions that facilitate fibroids’ development. Certain growth factors, like transforming growth factor-beta, can cause fibroid cells to multiply. As a result, fibroids produce more extracellular matrix, making them larger and lasting longer. 


Options for best treatment for fibroids 

Various treatment options are available for fibroids, depending on the symptoms. Here are a few possible courses of treatment. 

  • Medications 

Medicines such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) reduce the size of fibroids and ease symptoms. Other medicines, like NSAIDs and birth control pills, can help with pain and heavy periods. 

  • Non-Surgical Procedures:  

Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a simple procedure that shrinks fibroids by cutting off their blood supply. Another safe method that uses focused ultrasound waves to kill fibroid tissue is magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound surgery (MRgFUS). 

  • Surgical Options:  

For larger or more symptomatic fibroids, surgical options may be necessary. Myomectomy is a surgery to remove fibroids without taking out the uterus, helping women who wish to retain their fertility. Hysterectomy, the removal of the uterus, is a definitive solution for women who do not plan to have children in the future.  

  • Lifestyle Changes 

Maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, and exercising can help manage fibroid symptoms and improve health. 

When To Consult A Gynecologist?

It’s crucial to seek medical help if you experience symptoms like heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, pelvic pain, or trouble urinating. Consulting healthcare experts is vital in these cases to ensure a comprehensive assessment. Many clinics offer tailored treatment options, such as Well Women Clinic. This clinic, staffed by gynecologist specialists in London, offers personalised care for various gynecological issues, including fibroids. Getting help from these experts early on can make a big difference in improving health. 


Dealing with uterine fibroids can be challenging, but understanding their causes and treatment options can provide hope for relief. Fibroid growth is influenced by genetics, hormones, and lifestyle. Therefore, so it’s important to address all these aspects in treatment. Medications, non-surgical procedures, and surgical interventions offer solutions tailored to individual needs. Embracing lifestyle changes and seeking medical advice from experts like Well Women Clinic, staffed by gynaecologist specialists London, can lead to effective management of fibroid symptoms and improved quality of life. Don’t let fibroids control your life; explore your options and take control of your health today. 

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