Top 9 Health Screenings Tests for All Women At Various Ages

Here is the list of top routine health screenings or well-woman health checkups recommended to women across various ages by the private gynaecologist.

9 Health Screenings Tests for All Women At Various Ages

  • Mammogram

Gynaecologists recommend mammograms annually for women in the age group of 45 to 54 years. Women can also choose to undergo mammograms yearly from the age of 40 onwards. Women in the age group of 55 years or older need to undergo a mammogram test after every 2 years if the first screening has shown normal results. 

  • Screening for Cervical Cancer

A Pap smear is a test that helps to cancer of the cervix. Doctors recommend this test every three years for all women in the age group of 20 to 29 years. Women in the age group of 30 to 65 years need to undergo a pap smear test and a test for HPV every 5 years. It is also crucial for women in this age group to schedule yearly health checkups with a private gynaecologist.

  • Screening for Blood Pressure

High blood pressure increases the risk of stroke, kidney disease and heart attack. Women in the age group of 18 to 40 years should undergo a well-woman check in London for their blood pressure every 3 to 5 years. And ensure that the blood pressure is within the normal levels. After 40 years, the screening for blood pressure has to be done every year. 

  • Blood Test

It is important to do a blood test to check the levels of iron, sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and help to detect any underlying health issues like diabetes, anaemia or heart disease.

  • Colonoscopy

For women above 45 years, it is important to do their first colonoscopy test. This test is essential to detect the signs of colon cancer. A colonoscopy test is recommended in 10-year intervals if the first test has shown normal results. 

  • Bone Density Tests

Bone density tests allow the doctor to detect the ailment called osteoporosis, an ailment linked with ageing and causes weakness in the bones. Bone density test is important for women above the age of 65 years 

  • Check for Skin Cancer

Women need to undergo regular screening or well women check in London for possible growths and moles for skin cancer. Experts recommend a full-body screening for women every year.

  • Eye Test

Like any other examination, it is also important to get the eyes examined regularly for any possible issues or ailments. Women should do an eye test at least:

    • Twice in their 30s
    • Once in their 20s
    • When in the 40s
    • Every year after 65 years or older
  • Dental Exam

Routine dental examination at 6-month intervals reduces the chances of gum disease and tooth decay. A routine visit to the dentist can help you maintain the best shape for your teeth and help keep them healthy. 

If you want to do a well-woman check in London, you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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