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Unknown Reasons For Having Sudden Heavy Periods

Periods arrive in different sizes and shapes. Different women experience them differently — for some, it may be light and unproblematic, while for others, it could be painful and heavy, and in rare cases, may require a laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. Now, what if you experience a sudden change in your periods from light to a […]

Heavy Periods: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heavy bleeding is so common during periods that many women do not know that they suffer from menorrhagia. Surprisingly, one in every five women experiences menorrhagia. Therefore, women should be provided with more information to help them understand their condition. Only then will they seek the right treatment. So, let us check out the causes, […]

Effective Natural Remedies & Treatment Available For Heavy Periods

For most women, periods can be a tiring phase of the month. Further, if they suffer from heavy bleeding during periods, then the ordeal is not just painful, it becomes stressful as well. In medical terms, heavy painful periods are called ‘Menorrhagia’, wherein a woman experiences prolonged or abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding, sometimes, with clots […]