Ovarian Cysts: Causes, Types And Treatments That You Must Know

The ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac or many fluid-filled sacs which grow inside or over the ovary. In the majority of the cases, the ovarian cyst is harmless and gets resolved by itself without the woman knowing that she had the condition. However, in certain cases, the cyst fails to resolve on its own. Instead, it grows bigger and starts to affect or twist the ovaries. In this case, the woman experiences discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen or the pelvic region. A proper examination ensures an accurate diagnosis of the condition, which results in appropriate ovarian cyst treatment to reduce the cyst or ovarian cyst removal via surgery.

In some rare cases, these cysts develop into cancerous cysts and need an ovarian cyst surgery, such as laparoscopy, to remove the cancerous cyst from the ovary. If the cyst is large enough or is obstructing the vital organs of the body, then a private gynaecologist in London may suggest an open surgery to remove the cyst properly without harming other organs. This procedure is carried out by an expert surgical gynaecologist. So, let us discuss more on ovarian cyst removal, its types and ovarian cyst treatment options.

Symptoms of ovarian cyst
The common symptoms of ovarian cyst include:

  • Abdominal swelling or bloating
  • Uncomfortable or painful bowel symptoms
  • Pelvic pain during the periods
  • Pain around the thigh region
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Pain around the lower back region
  • Nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Vomiting

The ovarian cyst could also be associated with other conditions or ailments, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition wherein more than one cyst or multiple cysts grows on the ovaries, causing discomfort and pain, and affecting the normal functioning of the ovary. In this condition, the patient experiences major hormonal imbalance, leading to lethargy, tiredness, acne, depression, difficulty in getting pregnant and weight gain. Over a period of time, these polycystic ovaries can also cause heart disease and diabetes. The primary signs of the polycystic ovarian syndrome are ovarian cysts.

The signs of PCOS include:

  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Depression
  • Fertility issues
  • Irregular periods
  • Thinning of hair in the scalp region
  • Hair growth in the body

It usually happens when the body produces an increased number of male hormones, called androgens. The ovary produces this hormone in large quantities, which increases the amount of PCOS. If left untreated, it would affect the fertility of the woman. They would no longer ovulate, and there would be more acne and facial hair symptoms.

Ovarian cyst types
The ovarian cyst can be of different types. These include:

Dermoid cyst: Dermoid cyst is medically termed as a benign mature cystic teratoma. This cyst contains several diverse tissues, including hair and bone fragments. This cyst is formed through the cells within the egg which are stored inside the ovary. The cyst is very large — sometimes as long as 15 cm. The cyst is hereditary. So if there is a history of dermoid cyst in your family, then the risk of inheriting this condition becomes higher. However, dermoid cyst gets resolved by itself after some months and does not usually require medical intervention.

Endometriomas: This type of cyst occurs when a woman suffers from an ailment called endometriosis. This cyst develops from the endometrial tissue that is mainly found in the uterus. The cyst is often filled with blood and turns to brown colour as it dries, giving it the name of the chocolate cyst.

Cystadenomas: The cysts that form outside the ovary — for instance, over the stalk region — are called cystadenomas. The full medical name of the cyst is mucinous cystadenomas. The name is ascribed to the property of the cyst being filled with the mucus. The more advanced version of the cyst will contain a thin layer of fluids.

There are other types of cysts, as well. However, the ones listed above are the prevalent forms of the cyst which most women experience.

Ovarian cyst treatment
Most private gynaecologists recommend the wait-and-watch method for ovarian cyst treatment, as in most cases, the cyst gets resolved on its own after a few months. Most cysts shrink with time and become self-limiting. Plus, a few lifestyle changes could help prevent the occurrence of the cyst.

Increase your physical activity and do regular exercises — doing so will greatly help improve your hormonal balance. The best activity that you can do is walking. It is the most gentle form of full-body exercise, which burns more calories when done for longer periods consistently. Plus, walking also improves fitness as well as your cardiac health.

If you are into smoking, then you must quit smoking. Smoking increases the androgen levels in the body, which is the key contributor to the occurrence and development of different cysts. Also, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, get ample sunlight and a good night’s sleep.

You could use analgesics to fight discomfort in your abdominal area and to enhance the overall health. With time, the medications will help manage the symptoms of facial hair and acne.

If you want more information about ovarian cyst surgery, then you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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