Medical Abortion — Myths You Might Believe

Unwanted pregnancy is common among women who are sexually active and have practiced unprotected sex. Medical abortions are the safest and the best way to take care of unwanted pregnancy. However, there are so many myths surrounding medical abortion that people fail to understand its true benefits. So, let us check out the myths and the corresponding facts of private medical abortion in London.

Myth: Medical abortion can be dangerous.

Fact: Any kind of surgical or medical invention has its benefits and risks. It is for this reason why private pregnancy termination clinics provide truthful and unbiased information and advice to any patient considering medical abortion. However, medical abortion has a better safety record in comparison to other medical procedures. As per reports, surgical and medical abortions together have lesser than one percent of the instances of developing into major complications.

Therefore, medical abortion is comparatively safer than other forms of medical treatments, and the patient usually gets discharged within a few hours.

Myth: Medical abortions are unbearably painful.

Fact: Every person experiences a different level of pain when it comes to medical abortions. And there isn’t another safer method to take care of unwanted pregnancy than medical abortion. You would experience a certain degree of discomfort after abortion, but the pain wouldn’t be that extreme as many claim it to be. Miscarriages, childbirth, as well as abortion, carry the potential of causing a certain degree of pain because the process involves the contraction of the uterus wall.

In medical abortion, the second medication — misoprostol — causes contractions in the uterine wall, which may feel like labor pain or strong menstrual cramps during the procedure. As the degree of pain experienced by people vary greatly, it becomes difficult to predict the exact amount of pain a particular patient would experience during the abortion process. However, doctors provide proper medication to help relieve the pain, and the procedure is also a safe one.

Myth: Medical abortions are risky for teenagers.

Fact: No. Adolescents and teenagers can undergo safe private medical abortions. The process is safe, and it doesn’t exhibit any side effects. However, they require parental guide, involvement and support to undergo the procedure. Law mandates that teenagers or adolescents should be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians during the medical abortion procedure.

Myth: Medications for abortion is easily available on prescription.

Fact: Unfortunately, the lack of awareness stemming from social stigma around medical abortion has led to the creation of various laws and regulations over and above the already present necessary laws to protect the patient’s safety. In spite of the lower risk of developing complications, mifepristone — the medication required for medical abortion is not made available at regular pharmacies. Private gynaecologists in London who simply want to prescribe medication for medical abortion cannot do so due to stringent regulations. The gynaecologist has to register with the manufacturer and place an order for the medications directly with them. It is for this reason why very few private practitioners provide medical abortion to patients.

Therefore, the best way to do an abortion is to find certified private pregnancy termination clinics in your area. The failure rate of medical abortion is low —  lesser than four percent approximately when done during the first 70 days of pregnancy.

Myth: Medical abortion can be reversed.

Fact: No. This myth is the best example of a self-assurance story promoted by the pseudoscience and stigma supporting abortion. The stigma obstructs the flow of crucial information onto the masses. As a result, such unproven claims and stories take shape to provide false comfort to the ignorant. Medical abortion is an irreversible process. Any false claims or practices will only endanger the life of the patient. Once the process starts and the patient is administered the medications, the course has to continue to its logical end to ensure a safe medical abortion. Any unnecessary doses or secondary medications would jeopardize the entire procedure, putting the life of the patient in grave danger.

So, the patient must make up their mind well in advance before agreeing to this procedure. There is no such option of canceling the process midway once it is initiated.

These are the most prevailing myths that should be busted to allow the flow of factual information. After all, women should get the information they deserve.

If you are searching for a private gynaecologist in London, then you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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