Does Period Pain Worse With Age?

Does Period Pain Worsen as You Age?


As women age, they notice changes in their menstrual cycles, and unfortunately, period pain can sometimes get worse. This increase in discomfort, especially noticeable in the 30s and 40s, raises the question: do periods get worse with age? For some, the pain intensifies, making daily activities more challenging.   

Additionally, symptoms like an itchy vagina, which might signal early pregnancy, can add to the discomfort. It’s important to know why period pain can get worse as you age and to be aware of related symptoms to manage your health and find relief. Handling these changes more comfortably is possible with the right knowledge and support. 

Do Period Symptoms Get Worse with Age? 

Period pain, known as dysmenorrhea, is something many people experience. You might observe that as you age, your period pain can change. For some, period pain is common in the early years after their first period but tends to improve with time. However, for others, it’s like period pain getting worse with age, especially as they reach their 30s and 40s.  

Period pain typically goes away once you reach menopause, which usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause is defined as 12 months after your last period. During each menstrual cycle, the lining inside the uterus thickens to prepare for a possible pregnancy. If pregnancy doesn’t occur, this thick lining is shed and exits the body through the vagina.  

The uterine muscles contract to help shed this lining, which can cause mild to severe pain. While some people may not notice these contractions, others can experience significant discomfort. 

Factors Influencing Pain Levels 

Almost 10% of menstruating women suffer significant period pain that hinders their daily routine for one to three days. Meanwhile, some people hardly sense their uterine muscles contract and experience little to no period pain. Several factors influence the intensity of period pain:   

  • Periods Length: Longer periods, lasting more than the typical three to five days, can increase the risk of period pain.  
  • Age at First Period: Those who had their first period before age 11 are more likely to experience severe period pain than those who started later.    
  • Heavy Periods: People who have heavy periods experience more painful periods. If you need to change your pads or tampons more frequently than every four hours, you may have heavy menstruation.     


  • Smoking: People who smoke are more likely to have severe period pain. A review found that smokers are 1.45 times more likely to experience intense period pain.  
  • Hormonal Birth Control Medication: Using hormonal birth control methods, such as patches, pills, shots, and vaginal rings, can help reduce period pain for some people.  
  • Stress: Excessive stress might increase the possibility of period pain.  
  • Pregnancy: Some data show that period discomfort may become less severe after pregnancy, but more research is needed to determine the reasons.    

Understanding these factors can help in managing and possibly reducing period pain, especially if you notice your period pain getting worse with age.   

Possible Causes of Increasing Period Pain 

Many people with secondary dysmenorrhea report that their period pain worsens with age. Secondary dysmenorrhea refers to period pain caused by an underlying medical problem. Secondary dysmenorrhea can have several causes, including: 

  • Endometriosis:   

This condition occurs when tissue that lines the womb is found outside, such as on the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis affects women during their childbearing years and can cause severe period pain, heavy bleeding, back pain, pregnancy difficulties, nausea, etc.  

  • Fibroids:   

These are non-cancerous growths that form in or around the uterus during a woman’s reproductive years, usually because of high estrogen levels. Fibroids can lead to stomach or lower back pain that ranges from mild to severe. They tend to reduce after menopause when estrogen levels decline.  

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):   

PID is an infection of the woman’s reproductive organs, often caused by sexually transmitted infections. It can affect the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. When you have PID, your dysmenorrhea can become more severe, and you may experience significant pain in your lower abdomen.  

  • Adenomyosis:   

This condition happens when the inner layer of the uterus grows into the uterine muscle, making the uterus walls thicker. Adenomyosis can cause increasingly painful periods that worsen with age and lengthy and heavy periods.   

  • Polyps:   

Uterine polyps are benign growths that develop in the inner walls of the uterus and can extend into the uterine cavity. They result from the excessive growth of cells in the uterine lining and often occur as a woman nears menopause. While polyps often don’t cause symptoms, they can sometimes lead to severe period pain.  

Treatments for Period Pain 

Many individuals experience some discomfort during their periods, but severe period pain may cause problems with daily life. It can also have an impact on your emotional and physical health. Fortunately, there are various effective methods for treating period discomfort.   

Here are a few approaches to ease period pain: 

  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) 
  • Exercise, Yoga  
  • Hormonal Birth Control 
  • Consult Health Care Provider 
  • Heating Pads 
  • Lifestyle Adjustments (balanced diet, stress management)  
  • Herbal Supplements  


When Should You Consult a Healthcare Provider?  

If you experience any of the following with your period pain, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider: 

  • Your pain does not improve with NSAIDs. 
  • You notice blood clots in your menstrual flow larger than a quarter. 
  • The pain prevents you from attending school or work. 
  • You feel pain at other times, like during ovulation. 
  • Your period pain gets worse over time. 

A healthcare provider can check for conditions such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Keeping a note of symptoms and when pain occurs during your cycle can help your provider diagnose the cause of your period pain. 


Bottom line 

Understanding how period pain can change over time is crucial for managing health effectively. While some may find that their pain decreases with age, others find it gets worse, especially in their 30s and 40s. It’s essential to know that certain symptoms could be signs of endometriosis or fibroids. If period pain gets worse or you notice other symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider, such as Well Women Clinic, a gynecologist specialist London. They offer comprehensive care to help manage these changes. By staying informed and seeking the right care, menstrual health can be better managed, improving quality of life.  

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