Difference Between Private Abortion and NHS Abortion

Well, a stressful situation, though, but knowing about the right abortion method is vital to prevent further complications. According to studies, 1 out of every 3 women undergoes an abortion in her lifetime.

Abortion is the medical termination of pregnancy so that it doesn’t lead to the birth of a baby. The termination takes place either by taking certain medications or by undergoing a minor surgical process to remove the developing fetus from the woman’s womb.

How to Get an Abortion?

Abortion can only be carried out either at an NHS (National Health Service) centre or a certified and licensed clinic. There are two methods by which you can undergo an abortion procedure.

  • The NHS Abortion Method
  • The Private Abortion Method

What is the Difference Between the Two?

  • Cost.

    At a private clinic, you will have to pay for getting an abortion done, and the prices might vary depending upon the procedures as well as the stage of your pregnancy. At an NHS, on the other hand, it is done free of cost.

  • Privacy.

    At a private abortion clinic London, you do not have to apply for getting an abortion done via your GP or General Practitioner. This safeguards your identity, which you might not want to disclose. Also, the chances of bumping into someone you know would be quite low.

  • Swiftness.

    At a private abortion clinic in London, you can get a quick appointment, go through a counselling or a general examination procedure. Then you will be required to undergo a thorough pregnancy test and an ultrasound scan.

    Depending on the stage of your pregnancy, a particular date and time will be arranged, and you can also get it done on a weekend if you prefer so. Abortion will be carried out pretty quickly and easily within a week.
    In the case of an NHS, however, the process might get delayed. Of course, what you can expect for free!
  • Confidentiality.

    Both at a private clinic and an NHS, all your medical histories and reports will be kept absolutely confidential, unless otherwise specified by you. However, it is highly recommended that you inform your GP so that any issues or future complications can be controlled.

Private Clinic or NHS?

While deciding whether to go for an NHS abortion or go for a medical termination of pregnancy, it depends upon your preferences. If you want a better service and wish to maintain your privacy, a private abortion clinic would be the best choice. Moreover, nobody will treat you in a judgmental manner at a private clinic for termination of pregnancy. They will offer instant support and address all your queries.

Moreover, nobody will treat you in a judgmental manner at a private abortion centre. They will offer instant support and address all your queries.

However, at an NHS, you might receive a more sympathetic attitude, which makes it harder for you to maintain privacy. Also, you will require to obtain two signatures for taking an abortion procedure forward.
When Shall I Carry Out an Abortion?

The earlier, the better, and the lesser the complications will be. Ideally, most abortions in and around England, Scotland and Wales, are carried out before the completion of 24 weeks of pregnancy. If you cross this threshold period, your life may be under risk, or you may give birth to a child having severe disabilities.

Of course, the decision to terminate the development of the fetus in your womb is entirely yours. However, it will be wise on your part to consult a private gynaecologist in London or a trained pregnancy counsellor before proceeding. Nothing is dearer than your life, after all.

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