Common Causes And Treatment For Vaginal Swelling

There are different reasons for vaginal swelling, and each cause has a different method of vaginal swelling treatment. In most cases, vaginal swelling is often followed by vaginal itching and vaginal pain. So, let us check out the different causes and the corresponding method for vaginal itching treatment and vaginal pain treatment.

  1. Irritation caused due to indirect aspects

Chemicals in our everyday products, such as bubble bath and laundry detergent, can cause irritation in the sensitive skin of the labia, vulva and vagina. Improper toilet paper or perfumed products can also cause irritation in the sensitive vaginal skin.

If you have developed some kind of sensitivity or have changed to a newer product, then you might experience itching, swelling and burning in the vaginal region.


Discontinue the product which you think is irritating the vagina. When the irritation gets cured, you must avoid using those products again to avoid any discomfort or swelling in the future. However, if the discomfort or swelling persists, you will need to consult the doctor for further assistance. The doctor can prescribe medications, including an ointment, to provide relief from the swelling as well as other associated symptoms.

  1. Irritation caused due to direct aspects

The everyday products that you apply directly around the vagina can cause irritation, which can lead to swelling, irritation and itching. These products mostly include hygiene product used by women, such as:

  • Lubricants

  • Washes and douches

  • Creams

  • Latex condoms

  • Tampons


Discontinue the product which you think is irritating the vagina. If you are not sure, then consult a private gynaecology clinic in London. If the discomfort or swelling ceases after you stop using a particular product, then you know which ones are the culprit, and stop using that product altogether or opt for a more suitable alternative. However, if the condition is persistent or is getting worse, then visit the doctor.

  1. Vaginal trauma or rough intercourse

If the vagina is not lubricated properly during intercourse, then the friction could cause discomfort while having sex and can lead to problems later. Similarly, trauma caused by a sexual assault can cause vaginal pain, swelling and irritation.


In many cases, you may not need any treatment. Use of pain relievers easily available over the counter can be the best for vaginal itching treatment and also provide you relief from swelling and irritation.

Rough intercourse could tear the sensitive skin lining the vagina. Therefore, watch for symptoms such as infection, fever or discharge. And you may need vaginal pain treatment.

If you were forced into sexual activity or have experienced any form of sexual assault, then you must seek proper care and advice, including counselling, from a private gynaecology clinic in London.

  1. Bacterial vaginosis

The good bacteria present inside the vagina helps to keep the vaginal environment healthy and safe by controlling the presence of the bad bacteria. This delicate balance helps to keep your vagina healthy and safe. In some cases, the bad bacteria grows rapidly and outnumbers the good bacteria. It leads to a condition called bacterial vaginosis (BV), and you may be required to undergo vaginal discharge testing.

Apart from swelling, you would experience:

  • Burning

  • Itching

  • Fishy discharge or odour

BV is a prevalent vaginal infection among women in the age group of 15 to 44 years. The reason for BV is still not clear, but it is commonly observed in sexually active women. However, women who have never indulged in sex can also develop BV.


Some women don’t need any treatment for bacterial vaginosis. The bacteria can restore the balance naturally. However, if the symptoms are bothering you, then certain home remedies could be of some help.

However, if you still experience symptoms even after one week, then you should seek the doctor for vaginal itching treatment. The doctor will prescribe antibacterial medication to treat the condition. Some forms of medications could be taken orally, while others could be inserted directly into the vagina.

  1. Yeast infection

The yeast infections happen when the number of Candida fungal species (Candida albicans) increases beyond normal amounts inside the vagina. It is observed that 75% of women experience a yeast infection at least once during their lifetime. Vaginal discharge testing usually helps identify the problem.

Apart from swelling the infection may also cause:

  • Burning

  • Discomfort

  • Redness

  • Pain while urinating

  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse

  • Cottage cheese kind of discharge


Yeast infection could be cured with prescription antifungal medicines or over-the-counter medications. If you have had a yeast infection earlier, then you could use over-the-counter antifungal medicines to treat the condition.

However, if it is the first time you are experiencing yeast infection, then you should visit the doctor for proper diagnosis and medication. Sometimes, different conditions can be easily confused for yeast infection, and therefore, a proper diagnosis will ensure that you find the appropriate treatment for the condition before it worsens any further.

These are some of the most common causes of vaginal swelling and their relevant vaginal swelling treatment methods.

If you are searching for a trusted private gynaecology clinic in London, then you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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