An Early Pregnancy Scan: Here What You Need to Know

Early pregnancy scans are perhaps the most important part of medical supervision throughout the duration of pregnancy. Pregnancy can give the jitters to all kinds of couples, especially first time mothers. Early pregnancy scans will help you assess the health of the foetus and plan a chart for the future accordingly. While the primary purpose of early pregnancy scans is to assess the date of delivery, they also serve a number of other functions to ensure the health of the mother and the baby. Mr. N Agarwal is one of the top consulting Gynaecologists in London, and he has designed well women with intricate care and early pregnancy scans are a standard part of the whole program, through which you will receive only the best medical supervision for your pregnancy. Want to know more about early pregnancy scans? Read our guide that will tell you all you need to know about them:

  • The duration: Early pregnancy scans can take place anywhere between six to eleven weeks. This is the primary period for gestation where the foetus begins to form and its important to carry out these scans for good health of the mother and the baby. While problems related to natal development are rarely detected during early scans, it’s still important to assess the growth of the foetus at this stage. The rule of the thumb is that the earlier you go for these scans, the better it is for you and the baby.

  • Multiples: Early pregnancy scans also throw light on whether you are expecting multiples, ie twins or triplets or a single baby. They can determine the gestational age of the babies and detect the heartbeat of the child or children, which is indeed special for all couples! Reach out to Mr. N Agarwal now for complete Nuchal translucency scans administered by expert support staff.

  • Alternative names: Early pregnancy scans are also known as viability scans or dating scans. The nomenclature depends largely on the medical practitioner you have approached.

  • Inconclusive scans: Sometimes you might receive the reports of an early pregnancy scan as inconclusive. This is nothing to worry about, and in most cases this means that it’s simply too early to detect foetal development. In rare cases this would also mean that the baby is not growing as expected and specialised medical intervention would be required.

  • Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds are the primary method used in early pregnancy scans and to prepare for the scan you will be required to empty your bladder in full so that a clear picture can be obtained by your gynaecologist.

We have told you briefly about the things you need to know for early pregnancy scans. We hope this guide has been informative and will prove useful for you. Reach out to Mr N. Agarwal who is one of the top consulting Gynaecologists in London for further queries. Have a great day ahead!

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