All You Should Know About Ovarian Cyst

The ovaries, also called female gonads, are located in the pelvis region. Together with the uterus, they form the female reproductive system. One ovary is located on the left and the other on the right side of the uterus, and each is connected to the uterus through the fallopian tube. Each ovary is approximately the same shape and size as the walnut. The ovary produces an egg called ova and also secretes female hormones. These hormones play an essential role in controlling the development of the female body, pregnancy and menstrual cycle.

Ovarian cysts are a common condition associated with the ovaries. Most women develop at least one cyst in their lifetime. An ovarian cyst typically forms during the ovulation process when the ovaries release an egg every month. The occurrence of cysts causes considerable anxiety and worry in women because of the fear of them being cancerous. However, cysts are a normal phenomenon and usually disappear on their own without any ovarian cyst surgery. The diagnosis of ovarian cysts and effective ovarian cyst treatment has increased in the recent few years due to the extensive use of ultrasound technology.

So, let us check out some further information about ovarian cysts and their treatment.

What is an ovarian cyst?

An ovarian cyst is an enclosed structure that looks like a sac. It is present within the ovary, and contains a semi-solid or a liquid substance. An ovary can have either a single cyst or multiple cysts and they may be bilateral or unilateral. The size of a cyst can be as large as melon or as small as 2 or 3 centimetres. The walls of the cyst could be thin containing only fluids, or the cyst may be complex with a thick wall and filled with septa, blood or thick fluid.

Are all the ovarian cysts similar in nature?

No. Women develop different kinds of ovarian cysts depending on their individual bodies. Most cysts that occur before menopause are called “functional” cysts, such as corpus luteum cyst and follicular cysts. These cysts resolve instantaneously within some weeks or months. Hence, you do not need an ovarian cyst removal procedure.

Other types of cysts are pathological, such as dermoid cyst, chocolate cyst or endometrioma cyst, mucinous and serous cystadenoma, etc.

How common is an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cysts are a common occurrence in many women. Most women are unaware of the existence of cyst in their ovaries, as it does not cause any symptoms and disappears almost instantaneously with time. Only 1 in 12 women may require ovarian cyst surgery to remove the cyst.

What are the symptoms?

In many premenopausal women, ovarian cysts are mostly asymptomatic and get resolved automatically without the woman ever realising their presence. If a cyst causes any symptoms, the woman will experience pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen region. Other common symptoms include:

  • Change in your menstruation cycle or painful menstruation
  • Pressure on your bowels or pain in our bowels
  • Increased urgency and frequency of urination
  • A swollen or distended abdomen
  • Difficulty in becoming pregnant or conceiving. This may be related to endometriosis.
  • Dyspareunia or pain during an intercourse

When does the pain occur?

Women experience pain from ovarian cysts in the presence of one of the following:

  • Rapid stretching and growth of the cyst
  • Rupture in the cyst
  • The cyst gets twisted around its blood supply (also called as torsion)
  • Bleeding of the cyst

As many women develop ovarian cysts, they should know the answers to some of these common questions on the matter. Mostly, they are a common occurrence and get resolved almost instantly as they get created. Sometimes, a woman won’t even realise that she has a problem. So, you need not worry or panic when you hear about your ovarian cyst. Seek proper medical advice and get a hassle-free ovarian cyst treatment.

If you have further questions about ovarian cyst removal or want to be informed about general ovarian health, call our private gynaecologist in London now.

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