All You Need To Know About Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is one of the most common problems faced by many women. It affects almost every woman at a certain stage in her life. Unfortunately, despite it being a common occurrence among women, the problem often remains undiagnosed.

Usually, women suffer from pelvic pain for prolonged periods, and hence, they accept the condition to be normal. However, experiencing constant severe pain is a matter of concern and should be brought to the notice of a private gynaecologist. So, let us check out the symptoms, causes and treatment for pelvic pain.

Pelvic pain symptoms

Most women think that pelvic pain needs to be debilitating to seek any treatment. But that is not the case always. Either way, why wait for the pain to escalate when there are treatment options available to reduce suffering?  You should not wait for your pain to become severe and excessive. If the pain in your pelvic region is chronic and persistent, then you should seek medical attention.

Some of the typical symptoms of pelvic disorders include steady and severe pain or dull are intermittent pain. Other symptoms include a feeling of heaviness or pressure around the pelvic floor region, aching or dull pain, sharp or cramping pains, pain during bowel movements, pain during intercourse, or pain upon sitting for prolonged periods. If you suffer from any of these symptoms that are playing havoc with your everyday routine, and they are getting worse with time, then book a consultation with the doctor to find solutions for pelvic pain treatment.

Pelvic pain causes

Pelvic pain could be caused due to different reasons. Pelvic inflammatory disease, irritating bowel syndrome, fibroids, and endometritis are some of the common causes of chronic pelvic pain. Some psychological factors, such as past abuse, stress and depression, can also cause pain in the pelvic region.

Sometimes, it becomes difficult to identify the root cause of the pelvic pain by simply assessing the symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial to seek consultation from an expert private gynaecologist when you start to experience these symptoms. The doctor will ask about your entire medical history. Then, they will conduct a detailed pelvic exam, followed by an ultrasound scan. These tests will help the doctor to identify the root cause of the pain accurately. Once the doctor has diagnosed the reason, they will consider painful sex treatment and other treatment options to cure it.

Pelvic pain treatment

Once the doctor determines the root cause of the chronic pain, they will involve you to devise the right treatment program for your suffering. The different kinds of treatment opportunities possible for pelvic pain in London include therapeutic, surgical and medical treatments.

Every woman responds to treatment differently. One woman may need just one kind of treatment for her pain, while another may need a mix of different treatments. There are two types of approaches to treat pelvic pain — psychiatric approach and physical approach.

Apart from surgical and medical treatments — such as hysterectomy, hormone medications and pain relievers — the doctor can also recommend counselling, trigger point injections and physical therapy to heal the pain.

Psychological treatments like counselling can relieve physical stress and help with the pain. However, many women still maintain that pelvic pain is more to do with physical factors than psychological. As a result, they don’t respond positively to the treatment, which poses difficulty in alleviating the pain. Therefore, women need to consider the possibility that the symptoms can be related to psychological reasons as well.

Irrespective of the kind of painful sex treatment or pelvic pain treatment alternative you choose, always remember, you no longer have to continue living with the chronic pelvic pain. There are various solutions available that can solve your suffering altogether. All you need to do is to seek advice from an expert. Talk to a private gynaecologist at Well Women Clinic now.

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