5 Reality about Fibroids That Every Woman Must Know

Fibroids are noncancerous growths of smooth muscle are referred to as the most common kind of pelvic tumours caused among women. Reports of gynaecologist in London say that about 70% of women in the USA are affected by uterine fibroids prior to reaching 55 years of age.
An amount of 20 percent of women starts experiencing significant symptoms from the fibroids that include menstrual periods that last more than a week, heavy menstrual bleeding, pain or pressure in pelvic, frequent urination, constipation and leg pain or backache.
These vary in its numbers and sizes along with a large array of uterine fibroids which are each characterized depending on its location. Here are 5 realities about fibroids that every woman needs to know:

Things to Know About Fibroids That Every Woman Must Know

1. Uterine Fibroids are pretty common

These are also known as myomas or leimyomas and are also the most common tumours caused in the uterus. Studies have found that about 70 to 80 percent of women get this tumour by the time they reach 50. You are most likely to see the tumours in the 40s and the early 50s. However, they can occur at any age. It is the most frequently seen tumour caused in the female reproductive system. Few estimates report that about 30 to 77 percent of women develop the fibroids during the childbearing years. However, about one-third of them are large enough that helps a doctor to detect uterine fibroids treatment during an examination.

2. Fibroids are cancerous

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that are benign. These uterine fibroids have similar symptoms to a rare form of cancer known as uterine sarcoma. However, scientists do not have a reliable way to detect the sarcoma, excepting while performing surgery to get rid of fibroids. If you are suffering from fibroids, you need to discuss the risk of uterine sarcoma with the doctor.

3. African-American women are likely to get Fibroids

African American is likely to get Fibroids compared to any other ethnicity. The fibroids at fibroid clinic are typically developed at a younger age that grows larger causing severe symptoms. There might also be a severe increase in the risk of fibroids if you have not been pregnant ever, or are severely overweight, or when having a family member who has fibroids.

4. Fibroids are the primary cause of hysterectomy

There are several medical therapies which are used to slow or shrink the growth of fibroids that includes ultrasound therapy, hormone treatments or a myomectomy. It removes the fibroids when leaving the uterus intact. When the fibroids do not require removal, there are several treatments which can help in dealing with symptoms like birth control pills, ibuprofen or ablation.

5. You still have a chance of getting pregnant

Most of the women face issue-free pregnancies; however, they can cause certain complications. Research suggests that certain kinds can change the shape and size of the uterus. This can impact the ability of a woman to get pregnant. It is linked to a greater risk of the need to deliver via caesarean section with a risk of heavy bleeding post delivery.
Dealing with fibroids becomes a lot easier after understanding everything in details.

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