Health Screening Tests That Every Woman Needs Periodically

Maintaining your health is not difficult. However, it does require effort and attention to be vigilant about the changes in your body. One major aspect of healthy living is undergoing appropriate tests regularly to check for any underlying ailments or conditions and treating them in the initial stages itself before they balloon into major problems.

Regular screenings will help you effectively monitor your condition. Plus, they will make you more aware of your body and the risks that it faces. Knowing them can help you avert the consequences. These tests change with age. So let us check out the different Well Woman Checks that women in different age groups should undergo.

Tests need to be done in the 20s and 30s

Physical therapy

  • Pap smear and pelvic exam

Irrespective of their sexual activity history, women above 21 years of age should undergo a pap smear test every three years. This test checks for early indications of cervical cancer. The doctor can recommend infrequent smears after three consecutive pap smear tests. The interval usually extends among older women.

Women should undergo testing for STDs or sexually transmitted diseases depending on their sexual activity or the prevailing symptoms.

  • Breast cancer screening test

The screening test for breast cancer usually consists of screening, mammograms and clinical exams. If anyone in your family is suffering from breast cancer, then a private gynaecologist in London can test you to check your susceptibility to gene-based breast cancer (BRCA1 or BRCA2). The gynaecologist will recommend different solutions depending on the outcome of the tests.

  • Physical exam

Women should undergo a physical examination in their 20s. The list of a standard Well Woman Health Check-up includes:

  • BMI or Body Mass Index
  • Weight
  • Height

The gynaecologist can also ask questions about:

  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Smoking
  • Depression
  • Vaccination history
  • Exercise and diet
  • Violence by an intimate partner, if evidence indicates so
  • Screening of blood pressure

If your blood pressure is greater than 140/90, then you may be suffering from high blood pressure or hypertension. Women should get their blood pressure checked every two years, as high blood pressure can result in different complications. A reading of 120/80 is considered a normal blood pressure level. Your private gynaecologist may suggest blood pressure screenings often if your blood pressure is consistently high. Plus, you may also be checked for diabetes.

  • Cholesterol test

If you are at risk of acquiring coronary heart disease, then you should undergo regular screening for triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Women should check their cholesterol levels every four to six years from the age of 21. After 45 years, cholesterol screening should be done more frequently as the chances of acquiring heart ailments enhance with age.

Tests in the 40s and 60s

The tests that began when you were in your 20s would continue until you reach 40s, but the period of the examination will change.

  • An eye test should be done every two years.
  • Physical examination should be done every one to five years.
  • Professional breast examination should be done every year.
  • After 60 years, your need to get the shingles vaccine.

Additional tests at this age include:

  • Mammogram

Women in their 40s and 50s should undergo a mammography test for breast cancer. The frequency of this test varies with age. According to Well Woman Health Checkup specialists, women in the age group of 50 to 75 years should get a mammogram every year. Women below 50 years of age should consult their gynaecologist to determine their frequency of a mammogram test.

  • Screening for colon cancer

After you reach 50 years of age, you should do a colon cancer screening. The different tests include:

  • Stool tests, done annually
  • Colonoscopy, every ten years
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy, every five years
  • Computed tomographic colonoscopy, every five years
  • Double-contrast barium enema, every five years

Women should undergo screening until the age of 75. You may require frequent screening or as recommended by the doctor if you are found to be more susceptible to colon cancer.

  • Breast exam

After 40 years, your doctor will conduct annual breast exams along with Well Woman Checks. They will manually inspect your breasts for any irregularities in shape or size, lumps, dumplings and rashes. Plus, your nipples will be gently squeezed to check if they produce any fluid.

You must also monitor the condition of your breasts regularly and consult your doctor when you notice any changes in their shape, size, structure or orientation.

These are the main screening tests that women in their appropriate age group should undergo. This will ensure early diagnosis and holistic treatment. Do not prolong any signs or symptoms of uneasiness and discomfort. If you feel any discomfort, report to your private gynaecologist at the earliest. If you are searching for a clinic to do Well Woman Check in London, then you must visit Well Women Clinic Today.

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