Problems That Every Woman Must Be Aware realted to Vagina

A woman’s reproductive system is a unique system, designed by nature. It has the power to give birth, to provide an offspring to humankind. Technically, this system is a web of complex functions that are managed precisely by the hormones. Thus, hormonal balance is extremely important to ensure the smooth functioning of the system. A slight imbalance in the hormonal levels can derail the system resulting in many ailments and conditions.

Most of these problems are physically observed in the vaginal regions of the reproductive system. Vaginal problems manifest differently in every woman, which can be due to yeast infection, periods, birth control, sex, infections of the urinary tract, so on and so forth. Apart from the common issues, there are a set of additional problems that lead to unexplained pain, unwanted discharge and formation of lumps in the vagina, causing further discomfort in women. So, let us check out the unknown vaginal problems that need urgent medical attention for vaginal itching treatment and vaginal swelling treatment.


Vaginitis is a condition that is described by vaginal itching and vaginal discharge. This condition happens when there is an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria inside the vagina. You must consult your private gynaecologist for your vaginal discharge testing if the vaginal discharge gives out a foul smell or it is bloodstained.


Vulvodynia is described as chronic and prolonged pain around the region that surrounds the vagina. And this chronic pain is not a result of any medical condition, skin disease or an infection. Vulvodynia affects approximately 21% of sexually active women. The signs of vulvodynia can be further described as a sharp and stabbing pain, itching, burning and immense discomfort. Vaginal pain treatment can help you repel this condition.

Bartholin cysts or lumps

A pair of glands called Bartholin glands are located on both the sides of the lips of the vagina. They secrete the lubricating liquid. The lump problem arises when the secretion process gets blocked. As a result, the floods accumulate inside the glands resulting in the formation of lump or swelling. Sometimes, the lumps grow rapidly and cause a lot of pain because of the infection. If you see such a lump, then seek treatment from a private gynaecologist.

Imperforate hymen

This is a natural disorder wherein the vagina is entirely blocked by the hymen, obstructing the natural outflow of the menstrual blood. This condition is mainly diagnosed among adolescent girls who suffer from amenorrhea and experience cyclic pelvic pain.

Vaginal muscle spasm

This condition is described as the tightness of the pelvic floor and the vaginal muscles, resulting in their contraction and spasm. Vaginal muscle spasm is unpleasant, very painful and can lead to cramps in women who suffer from this condition. The reason for this problem can be psychological, such as depression and anxiety. Therefore, the problem can be resolved easily through psychological therapy.

Vulvar varicosity

Sometimes, you may observe swelling blue veins around the vulva, i.e. the region surrounding your vagina, or a feeling of pressure or fullness. These signs are most commonly observed during pregnancy. Also, prolonged standing can aggravate this problem. Cold compresses, swimming and avoiding standing for long hours can greatly help with relieving these symptoms.

The problems listed above are the least talked about, but still observed in most women. If a woman is suffering from vaginal itching or vaginal pain, then they should undergo vaginal pain treatment and vaginal itching treatment, rather than suffering from the problem in silence.

The diagnosis of such problems starts with vaginal discharge testing, which leads to vaginal swelling treatment. An expert private gynaecologist can help you find relief from these painful unhealthy conditions. Do not endure these issues for prolonged periods, because gradually, they will start to affect you emotionally and mentally, which will impact your life.

If you are searching for an expert private gynaecologist in London for vaginal pain treatment, then you should visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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