Why An Early Pregnancy Scan Is Important For Women

Early pregnancy scan is a type of ultrasound scan which provides vital information about the pregnancy to the mother-to-be. And, it helps monitor and supervise the pregnancy as it advances, foreseeing and preventing any possible complication that may arise later.

Gynaecologists recommend every pregnant woman to undergo an early pregnancy scan. But the NHS doesn’t usually make this available to every pregnant woman. Thus, many pregnant women are deprived of the first crucial scan. So, let us look at the reasons why women should not skip that early pregnancy scan.

What does an early pregnancy scan involve?

An early pregnancy scan is the first and the most crucial ultrasound scan during pregnancy, as it confirms your pregnancy and identifies whether the foetus is growing as per expectations. This scan could be done again after a few weeks to monitor the foetal development. It also checks for a regular and audible heartbeat.

Why is an early pregnancy scan needed?

There are many reasons to do an early pregnancy scan in London. Though this scan is not available as one of the regular scan features with the NHS, they offer it when there is a problem, such as bleeding in the vagina or pain. Or if the woman has a miscarriage history during a previous pregnancy.

Experts at a private gynaecology clinic in London believe that early pregnancy scan is of utmost importance, and it should be added as a part of the routine in all types of pregnancies. The various reasons that support this claim are:

  • Early scan confirms the pregnancy.
  • It shows if the pregnancy is ectopic or a regular pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is a condition wherein the egg gets fertilised inside the Fallopian tube rather than the uterus.
  • The scan will ascertain if the woman is having single, twins or triplets.
  • It detects the initial heartbeat of your foetus.

During the scan, the sonographer can identify the foetus size, which will help calculate your date of conception and accordingly, calculate the due date for delivery. This system of calculation is much more accurate than manually counting from the last period, which is difficult in case of irregular menses.

As per statistics, the first trimester is the most crucial period of pregnancy and is also the period when most pregnancies end. Regular ultrasounds scans can prevent this issue by regularly monitoring and supervising the process. Plus, no other examination can monitor pregnancy during the early stages as efficiently as the ultrasound.

When should you do an early pregnancy scan?

Early pregnancy scan is performed during the sixth week of gestation, which is six weeks after the last cycle date. This test is done to confirm the pregnancy, and it ensures that everything is normal with the gestation. Further scans can be done later until 14 weeks.

The doctor wouldn’t advise doing any scans before the six weeks, as your foetus wouldn’t have developed comprehensively to show a detectable heartbeat. Therefore, the scan results can be misleading.

What are the types of early pregnancy scans?

An early pregnancy scan can be performed in two ways — an abdominal scan or a transvaginal scan. Both the scans serve the same purpose, i.e. they enable the examination of the foetus. However, they both differ in their processes. Doctors normally suggest abdominal scans for pregnant women. A transvaginal scan is suggested during early-stage gestations when an abdominal scan cannot provide a conclusive result.

A pregnant woman can easily undergo an early pregnancy scan at a private gynaecology clinic. It is better to do the scan rather than wait for your turn under the NHS. Further, an early pregnancy scan provides crucial information on various aspects of pregnancy — from the type of pregnancy (single or multiple) to foetal growth. This information will help you plan and prepare yourself better for later days when the foetus shows more prominent development.

If you are looking for a trusted gynaecologist to perform your first scan, then you must visit the Well Women Clinic today.

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