5 Early Pregnancy Symptoms To Look Out For

It is true that ultrasounds and pregnancy tests are the legit ways to prove if one is pregnant or not but there are symptoms and signs that one should have knowledge of. Smell sensitivity, fatigue, morning sickness and the obvious sign – a missed period are the signals that lead to the understanding of pregnancy. The first week of pregnancy is normally based on the recent menstrual period even if a person isn’t actually conceiving. Gynaecologists in London help people understand the situations in more depth and so it is very important to consider for an early pregnancy scan. Following are some pregnancy symptoms to look out for:

Early Pregnancy Symptoms That You Should Know

1. Periods will be missed at the time of early pregnancy

When the implantation is completed, the body begins to produce HCG – Human Chorionic Gonadotropin which helps the body to maintain pregnancy and lets the ovaries to stop discharging mature eggs every month. It is advised to verify by taking a pregnancy test and if the result is positive, one should schedule a prenatal appointment with a midwife or doctor.

2. An increase in heart rate

The heart pumps harder and faster normally in the initial weeks, say 8-10, and arrhythmias and palpitations are natural due to hormones. The increase in blood flow is found as the fetus happens to come in the later stages of pregnancy and if a person has a heart problem then it should be a priority to consult a doctor.

3. The breasts grow, tingles and ache

During the early pregnancy scan, private gynaecologist in London notifies the patient about the changes in the breasts which occurs when hormones change. In the later stage, the body adapts to transitions, around week 11, breasts and nipples change.

4. Mood change

Progesterone and oestrogen level increases which causes fluctuation in mood swings and make the woman more reactive and emotional than usual. It may even cause euphoria, depression, anxiety and irritability.

5. Constipation and bloating

Bloating occurs in the earlier stages of pregnancy as the digestive system can slow down due to hormonal changes. The feeling of abdominal bloating increases because of constipation.

It is recommended to take a good care of the health as one shouldn’t take pregnancy lightly and any minor complication can put the baby’s and mother’s life in danger.

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